Enhancing Information Security in Thailand


In an era dominated by Digital Transformation the landscape of Information Security has become more Complicated and demanding than ever before. Nowhere is this truer than in Thailand, where the rapid adoption of Technology has both remarkable advancements and Unique challenges in protecting sensitive data. As organizations grapple with the complexities of safeguarding their digital assets, one critical aspect emerges as a backbone for security access control.

Understanding Access Control in Thailand  

Access Control is a crucial aspect of Information Security in Thailand. It involves the Management of Privileges and need-to-know access to protect Sensitive Data from Unauthorized Access.

In Thailand, access control is implemented to ensure that only authorized individuals or entities can access specific information or resources. This helps prevent Data Breaches, unauthorized modifications, and other security incidents.

Understanding the various aspects of access control in Thailand is essential for organizations to effectively secure their information and comply with relevant regulations and standards.

Implementing Role-based Access Control  

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a widely used approach in Thailand to enforce access control policies. It involves assigning roles to users based on their responsibilities and granting permissions accordingly.

By implementing RBAC, organizations in Thailand can streamline access control management, reduce the risk of unauthorized access, and simplify user provisioning and deprovisioning processes.

To implement RBAC effectively, organizations should conduct a thorough analysis of their information assets, define roles and associated permissions, and regularly review and update access control policies to align with changing business needs.

Leveraging Multi-factor Authentication  

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a powerful security measure that adds an extra layer of protection to access control in Thailand. It requires users to provide multiple forms of identification to verify their identity, such as a password, a fingerprint, or a one-time authentication code.

By leveraging MFA, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access, even if passwords are compromised. It adds an additional barrier for attackers and enhances the overall security of sensitive information and resources in Thailand.

Organizations should consider implementing MFA for critical systems, privileged accounts, and remote access to further strengthen their access control mechanisms.

Ensuring Secure Remote Access  

With the increasing trend of remote work in Thailand, ensuring secure remote access is crucial for maintaining information security. Organizations need to implement Robust measures to protect data accessed from remote locations.

Secure remote access can be achieved through the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), secure remote desktop protocols, and other Encryption Technologies. These measures help protect data in transit and prevent unauthorized interception or tampering.

Organizations should also educate their Employees about secure remote access practices, such as avoiding public Wi-Fi networks and using strong passwords, to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

Regular Security Audits and Updates  

Regular security audits and updates are essential for maintaining effective access control in Thailand. Organizations should periodically assess their access control mechanisms to identify vulnerabilities, gaps, and areas for improvement.

Security audits help organizations identify unauthorized access attempts, unusual user behavior, and potential security breaches. By regularly reviewing access control policies, organizations can ensure that they align with current security standards and comply with relevant regulations.

Furthermore, organizations should stay updated with the latest security patches, software updates, and industry best practices to address emerging threats and enhance the overall security of their information.


In Complicated Thailand’s digital landscape,access control emerges as a pivotal element in the ongoing battle to safeguard Sensitive Information amidst the relentless tide of Technological Advancement. As organizations navigate the complexities of information security, understanding and implementing robust access control measures stand as imperatives for Steeling defenses against Ever-evolving Cyber Threats.

CSS -Four must-watch Ted Talks on Cybersecurity

Are you tired of the mundane articles that just spew too much information about Cybersecurity, but nothing of immense value? Then we have curated the most suitable, informative and engaging blog that will have you wondering “what a funny world we live in” or you’ll be shocked to hear about things you’ve already previously encountered that will most definitely make you wonder, “Is the hacker next door watching me”

Speaking of the FBI, in this blog, we will provide insights into the most influential ted talks that one needs to watch, whether drawn to cybersecurity as a profession or out of personal interests.

This is your cue to stay vigilant and watch for what we have in store for you in the following lines, nothing phishy here, we promise. (no intentional puns were made in the making of this blog)

1 Chris Domas- The 1s and 0s behind cyber warfare:

The renowned Chris Domas, a security researcher and the founder of Domas Consulting, made some immensely strong points on Cyber warfare and how the raw 1s and 0s in software can play a crucial role in uncovering the vulnerabilities that arise from these critical digital attacks.

Instance presented by Chris Domas:

Domas presents the example of the x86 computer architecture – a design principle that’s compatible with a variety of software and operating systems, integrated into personal computers, laptops and servers.  

Here, he particularly emphasizes how the x86 computer architecture and its complex instruction set that may not be well-documented or resorted to personal use, could be susceptible to hackers potentially exploiting the hidden and undocumented instructions in processors.

Bonus Insights: If you read till the end, you will discover Titles a couple more Ted Talks where renowned speakers share their expertise on cybersecurity

2 Ralph Langnet: Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-century Cyber Weapon

This gripping TED Talk is certain to keep you on the edge of your seat because this cyber weapon anecdote is one of a kind.

Ralph Langner, a renowned security researcher was instrumental in cracking the Stuxnet virus case. The virus that whose main target happened to be Iran’s nuclear program. Due to the virus’s infiltration via USB drives and the infection of computer networks, the whole nuclear program was delayed by several years, which was indeed an irreversible loss.

3 Mathias Jud: Art That Lets You Talk Back To NSA Spies

Mathias Jud, a renowned multimedia artist, presented his projects at the Swiss embassy in Berlin in collaboration with Christoph Wachter, showcasing wit and intelligence. This powerful artwork demonstrated resistance in a playful form rather than the same old conventional protests that prove ineffective. It clearly shows that even the most daunting aspects can be dealt with playfully, a strategy that many fail to implement, but Mathias Jud took the smart route rather than the hard one. It’s about time we considered it as “life lesson 101”.

Second Artwork – The Circle:

The second artwork was the massive installation visualizing the flow of data on the internet, providing a naked eye image or an x-ray of the data flow.

Surreal and intriguing, we must admit.

This approach prompted users to think twice about the online activities that they carry out on a daily basis. In a world where everything is inter-connected, oftentimes we forget to ask ourselves the most important questions: Is our data secure? What could be the consequences of our digital footprint?

Eventually, the same users drift into the portal of existential crisis, and the rest is history…

Third Artwork – The Listening Machines:

What better way to convey something than by presenting a metaphor? The third and the final artwork will leave you in awe. Sculptures resembling giant ears, representing spies who are always keenly listening and observing private communication. This conveys a solid message to viewers about the potential threats arising from unsolicited surveillance at all times.

This brilliant portrayal of tech threats by inducing art is thought-provoking and makes viewers question the role of technology and the impact it may have on society in the long-run.

4 Dr. Srini Sampalli: Emerging Threats in Cybersecurity

Dr. Srini Sampalli, with over decades of teaching experience, holds the title of computer science professor at Dalhousie University. Having gained a deep understanding of cyber technologies, he has become an epitome of inspiration after his enlightening talk on “Top 5 emerging cybersecurity challenges”, where he cites five crucial threat points, namely, mobile technology, ransomware, the internet of things, big data, and the human factor.

Reader’s tip:

We acknowledge that Cybersecurity is of crucial importance today and having said that, there are countless superheroes in the form of cybersecurity professionals who rescue and protect the victims threatened by cyber weapons.

If you are such a superhero who holds a C-suite level title, then we encourage you to visit our website and be a part of revolutionary international conferences that revolve around the latest themes critical to a cyber secure world.

Require more insights? please feel free to drop a comment and our team will assist you with any query that you may require an answer to!

Bonus Insights: As promised:

  • Misha Glenny: Hire The Hackers
  • Rodrigo Bijou: Governments Don’t Understand Cyber Warfare
  • Nick Espinosa: The Five Laws of Cybersecurity
  • Caleb Barlow: Where Is Cybercrime Really Coming from?
  • Bruce Schneier: The Security Mirage
  • Avi Rubin: All Your Devices Can Be Hacked

How to Train Employees in Cybersecurity


Many employees think they can avoid Cyber Threats without being cautious or without adhering to cybersecurity guidelines. But as C-level executives, I’m well aware you understand the crucial role cybersecurity plays in protecting the data as well the reputation of your organization.

This blog doesn’t list out a myriad of training techniques for you to choose from, instead we’re going to provide you with the most favorable and effective distilled strategies that have helped our organization’s employees from potential social engineering attacks.

Keep reading to delve into the best and most effective training tips to train employees in order to adapt them to an improved data protection culture:

  1. Surprise simulations:

By conducting surprise attack simulations with the assistance of third-party service providers, companies can test and examine the vulnerabilities of employees and their ability to handle defenses. These, alongside gamified test, informative videos, will further help employees to understand the fundamentals of cyber security and data privacy, deeply.

  1. Integrate training into daily functions:

Traditional and short cybersecurity training sessions that go on for a few hours are not effective in the slightest. One of the ways you can make employees properly comprehend cybersecurity and data protection is through integrating training into their daily tasks. For example: Whenever a user comes across a phishing site, you should try to resolve the issue promptly by showing them a short video clip. This makes cybersecurity awareness more relevant and gives a strong practical base as well.

  1. Tailored training for each employee:

Oftentimes, cybersecurity training is designed in such a way that it assumes everyone to be equal. But that’s a wrong notion, because each employee’s level of knowledge is different. For instance, a non-tech employee may be familiar with social profiling but they may lack ample knowledge about third-party risks. Creating a pre-assesment test should be a mandate to tailor the cybersecurity training and fill the existing knowledge gaps.

  1. VR simulations:

Using virtual reality can be a boon and it can deliver real-time cyber threats. For instance, with virtual reality, employees can confront realistic cyber threats and come across social engineering attacks, and make effective decisions to defend against such attacks. This technique allows hands-on-learning, better knowledge, and builds stronger cybersecurity instincts.

5. Avoid long gaps between training sessions:

Employing a key strategy to conduct training sessions consistently is crucial rather than conducting occasional training every quarter. This encourages employees to be more vigilant and cautious at all times. If you develop a stringent security culture, then the employees won’t cease to consider data protection as their responsibility.

  1. Create a cybersecurity boot-camp:

Try to improve your cybersecurity presentation into an advanced cybersecurity boot camp. Replace complex terms with simpler phrases for non-tech employees, and completely revamp cybersecurity education into a contest where employees can earn “cyber fit points”. To make sure everyone grasps data protection thoroughly, use a clear teaching pedagogy, so that their knowledge about cybersecurity is more refined and refreshed.


Cyberattacks are lurking in every corner of organizations. This just indicates how important employee security is and it can under no circumstance be overlooked. As specialists in the cybersecurity field, our common aim is to avoid social engineering attacks, but this mostly begins with employees of our very own organization.

To summarize, your organization’s employees should be trained on all aspects of cybersecurity so that the mere issues are mitigated before a major problem arises. If you’re an IT leader and are eager to equip your team with the latest insights pertaining to cybersecurity and its policies, we invite you to register for our upcoming events.Together, we can conquer our cyberspace and tackle all odds amongst 100+ executives.

How Will “Hack The Hackers” Help Prevent DataBreach Waves?

In The current technologically oriented world, data breach has become widespread for businesses, individuals, and organizations. The hackers and other anonymous groups are taking sophisticated measures and techniques to compromise and steal sensitive data. In order to defend ourselves from such threats and danger of data breach and hackers, the concept of ‘Hack the Hackers’ was emerged. It is a type of approach that involves utilising strategies and initiatives that can prevent data breach waves.

How effective is the approach to “Hack the Hackers”
It’s essential to know that the approach of “Hack the Hackers” will significantly reduce the hacker attacks,
but it is not a standalone solution to data breach waves. It is a sophisticated approach that requires the
collaboration of people, processes, and technology as a whole. While no approach can eradicate the data
breach wave completely, there needs to be regular updates, constant monitoring, strong access code,
vulnerability testing, and sharing of collective information in order to ensure maximum protection against
data breach wave.

This blog post will highlight the implementation of the concept of ‘Hack the Hackers’ in preventing data breach waves:
Vulnerability Testing: one of the most crucial aspects of “hack the hackers” is to conduct assessments to understand the vulnerability and penetration of hackers into the system. Simulation of the real world data breaches and attacks will help in understanding the weakness and vulnerabilities of the system as a whole. These tests will enable proactive identification and remedies of potential entry points of the hackers, and preventing any kind of data breaches as a whole.
Blue team, Red Team Exercise: In this exercise, the organization used to assign a red team and a blue
team wherein, the red team comprises ethical hackers that would breach securities and exploit any kind of
vulnerability as a whole. Whereas, the blue team used to defend us against these attacks. This kind of
exercise helped the organization to understand the real world attacks and prevent any data breach more
Sharing collective information: Preventing data breach is a collective effort and the need to share this
threat intelligence will play a significant role in “Hacking the Hackers”. The organizations shall be able to
pool in their knowledge and their resources to identify any new threat or attack patterns. Organizations can stay up to date about vulnerabilities by sharing their knowledge to prevent data breach waves.
Employee training: Human error is often exploited by hackers to gain unauthorized access. The concept of “Hack the Hackers”focuses on the importance of employee training and awareness program. It is the responsibility of the organizations to educate the employees about safe online practices, and recognising
phishing attempts. By promoting this culture of training and educating employees, organizations can
significantly reduce the risk of successful data breach caused by humans.
Constant monitoring: Another crucial aspect of data breach requires constant monitoring. Being able to implement a constant monitoring system and incident response protocols will allow organizations to detect any suspicious activities, or data breach waves in real time. By promptly responding to potential incidents, the organizations can reduce the impact of hacker attack and prevent it from turning into a widespread wave.
Data Protection: Another crucial aspect of “Hack the Hackers’ includes implementing a strong encryption and data protection mechanism. Data encryption will add an extra layer of security to the sensitive data. Only the authorized personal shall be able to access the data and restrict the non authorized personal from modifying information.

Cybersecurity in the Age of Remote Work


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to adapt to remote work in order to continue operations. As a result, organizations have become increasingly reliant on technology and the internet to communicate and collaborate. However, the shift to remote work has also created new challenges in terms of Cybersecurity.

Cybercriminals have taken advantage of the pandemic and increased their attacks on remote workers and businesses. Phishing scams, malware, and ransomware attacks have all become more prevalent during this time. The lack of proper security measures, such as on-premise firewalls and secure networks, has made remote workers and their companies more vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Remote work has increased the risk of cyberattacks by 300% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has skyrocketed by 44% in the last five years, resulting in increased data breaches for companies. The number of attacks targeting the government sector increased by 95% worldwide in the second half of 2022. Some challenges faced are as follows

1. Increased Vulnerabilities : Remote working creates an increased number of endpoints that must be secured. In addition, employees may be using personal devices or public Wi-Fi networks, which can increase the risk of a security breach.

2. Lack of Security Awareness : Employees may not be aware of the potential security risks associated with remote work, such as phishing scams, social engineering attacks, and malware.

3. Difficulty in Monitoring : It can be challenging for organizations to monitor employee activity when they are working remotely, making it more challenging to detect and respond to security threats.

4. Lack of IT Support : With remote work, employees may not have access to IT support when they need it. This can lead to delays in addressing cybersecurity issues and increased downtime for the company.

In order to mitigate the risks associated with Remote work, companies must consider some best practices mentioned below

1. Implement a Robust Cybersecurity Policy: Develop a comprehensive cybersecurity policy that outlines expectations for employees and provides clear guidelines for secure remote work.

2. Use Secure Communication Tools: Use secure communication tools such as encrypted emails, VPNs, and two-factor authentication to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access.

3. Provide Security Training: Train employees on best practices for online security, such as how to identify and prevent phishing scams, how to secure personal devices, and how to use secure passwords.

4. Conduct Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of employee devices and software to identify any vulnerabilities and ensure that all systems are up-to-date with security patches.

5. Ensure Data Backups: Regularly backup all critical data to prevent data loss in the event of a security breach.

6. Enforce Access Controls: Implement access controls to restrict employee access to sensitive data and systems based on their job roles and responsibilities. In summary, with remote work becoming the new norm, Indonesian organizations must develop and implement robust cybersecurity policies to ensure the protection of their data from potential cyber threats.


Cybersecurity in the age of Remote Work requires a proactive approach. Companies must take the necessary steps to protect their remote workers and their data from cyber attacks. By prioritizing cybersecurity, companies can ensure that their operations are secure and that their employees can work remotely without compromising sensitive data.

Spend on Cybersecurity In Singapore and Southeast Asia


Spending on Cybersecurity in Singapore and Southeast Asia has been increasing in recent years as businesses and organizations in the region recognize the importance of protecting their digital assets and data. According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, the cybersecurity market in Southeast Asia is expected to grow from $3.5 billion in 2020 to $10.5 billion by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate of 24.4%.

In Singapore the government has been actively promoting cybersecurity as a key priority. The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) has launched several initiatives to strengthen the country’s cybersecurity posture, including the Cybersecurity Lab, which helps small and medium enterprises to enhance their cybersecurity capabilities, and the Cybersecurity Industry Partnership Programme, which facilitates collaboration between the government and the private sector.

Businesses in Singapore and SEA are investing in a range of cybersecurity measures, including:

  1. Network and endpoint security : This includes measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection and prevention systems to protect against cyber threats.
  2. Identity and access management : This involves implementing controls to ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and systems.
  3. Data protection : Businesses are investing in technologies such as encryption and data loss prevention to secure sensitive data.
  4. Security awareness training : Many businesses are providing training to employees to help them understand how to identify and prevent cyber threats.


Overall, the growing awareness of cybersecurity risks in Singapore and SEA is driving increased spending on cybersecurity measures to protect against threats and ensure the continued operation and growth of businesses in the region.

Key topics of discussion at the Cyber Security Summit in Singapore

Cybersecurity is a crucial issue in today’s world, as more and more of our daily activities and important information are conducted and stored online. This makes it increasingly important for individuals and organizations to take steps to protect themselves from cyber threats such as hacking, malware, and phishing attacks.

This year’s Cybersecurity Conference in Singapore will provide a valuable opportunity for professionals in the field to come together and discuss the latest developments in cybersecurity technology and best practices. The conference will feature presentations and workshops from leading experts in the field, as well as networking opportunities with other professionals and vendors who provide cybersecurity solutions.

One of the key topics of discussion at the conference will be the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity. AI has the potential to revolutionize the field by allowing computers to quickly analyze vast amounts of data and identify potential threats. However, it also raises concerns about privacy and the ethics of using AI in this way.

Another important topic will be the role of cybersecurity in the modern workplace. With more and more employees working remotely and accessing company networks from a variety of devices, it is essential for organizations to implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect against attacks. This includes training employees to recognize and avoid common cybersecurity threats, as well as using technologies such as virtual private networks (VPNs) and two-factor authentication to secure data and networks.

In addition to these main topics, the conference will also cover a wide range of other important issues in the field of cybersecurity, such as cybercrime, data privacy, and the role of government in promoting cybersecurity.

Overall, the Cybersecurity Conference in Singapore is a must-attend event for professionals in the field, as it provides a valuable opportunity to learn from leading experts and network with others in the industry. Whether you are a cybersecurity specialist, a business leader, or an individual concerned about protecting your online data, the conference will have something to offer you. Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend this important event.

Top 5 Cyber Security Trends in Australia


Cyber Security is evolving quickly with an increase in the number of cybercrimes. Companies struggle to keep their critical data safe since cyber security threats is one of the world’s most pervasive security risks today. Phishing, Ransomware, DDoS attacks and Cloud computing vulnerabilities are the most common cyber threats that large businesses face today in Australia. Criminals preying on people with Cyber Extortion, Ransomware, and Cyber Blackmail take advantage of the unknowns of the internet, which means they often make claims of having your company secret data or your search history, in order to trick you into paying them money.

Here are the Top 5 Cyber Security Trends for businesses in Australia

1. Evolutionof  Internet of Things(IoT) :

The expansion of IoT is creating more cyber crime opportunities. Besides, experts have estimated around 64 billion IoT devices worldwide by 2026. Most IoT devices have lesser storage capabilities, making it hard to employ antivirus, firewalls, and other related security applications. As a result, IoT attacks have been appearing all over the world. For example, during the year 2020-21, Australians faced a complex cyber threat environment, where ransomware cases increased to nearly 160 percent.

The continuous rise of such evolution has being quickly adopted by various businesses, and has been foremost in building automated security systems, automatic threat detection and related techniques. Hackers are also taking full advantage of it for automating their attacks using techniques like model stealing.

 2. Cyber extortion on the rise of ransomware :

 Cyber Extortion is becoming an increasingly popular form of cybercrime. They have been around for a long time, but the methods and means are becoming more sophisticated, legit and confusing.  Raise in ransomware, although ransomware is not new but a growing cyber threat around the world. Ransomware besides cyber extortion and cyber blackmail are the most common forms of cyber crime and perhaps can cost a lot more than the initial payment. According to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC),  Ransomware made history in cyberattacks, contributing to the first reported death in 2020. In 2022, the rise of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and IoT devices will cause more cyber security issues.

 3. Cloudsecuritychallenges :

Companies across the world are now facing a huge challenge to diversify in adoption of cloud services at a rapid pace. Over 70% of the enterprises that use cloud security as service have plans to increase their investment in cloud security technology. Cloud security is a challenge not because of the technology itself, but because of the way enterprises handle security concerns.

For businesses making the transition to the cloud, security is one of the biggest challenges. Security threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, and cloud computing is no less at risk to its own environment. Misconfigured cloud settings are the major cause of data breaches, along with other dangerous cyber attacks. Hence, many businesses are investing in heavier password protection and other cyber security measures to keep that data from getting into the wrong hands.

 4. NIST Cybersecurity Framework :

The NIST cybersecurity framework is a powerful tool to organize and improve your cybersecurity program. It is a set of guidelines and best practices to help organizations build and improve their cybersecurity posture. The framework puts forth a set of recommendations and standards that enable organizations to prepare better for identifying and detecting cyber-attacks, and also provides guidelines on how to respond, prevent, and recover from cyber incidents.

5. Incident Response and Forensics :

Digital forensics in automated sense refers to the application of science to identify, collect, examine and analyse data while preserving the integrity of information and maintaining a strict chain of custody for the data. Document evidence in digital forensics is a record of all visible data that must be created, which helps in recreating and reviewing it at times. Incident response is an organized approach to address and manage the aftermath of a security breach or cyberattack, which also requires specialized skills to ensure you are covered legally and digitally.


Cybersecurity is a serious issue not just for businesses and governments but for individuals too. There are so many threats out there now. Some of the biggest dangers include phishing, ransomware, and viruses. We hope that our blog post has been able to provide some helpful information on the top 5 cyber security trends in Australia. Thank you for reading!

A Significant Factor Struggling Retailers in Post Covid


Data is a significant factor for retailers Post-Covid, as it is not just crucial for the retailers to know the customer better but also to ensure that their IT infrastructures are secure and up-to-date.

However, as retailers struggled to stay afloat after the Covid breach, the retailers with outdated IT infrastructure or those who do not have one were the most vulnerable. This has shown them that they need to become more reliant on their IT infrastructures.

Therefore, in the post-covid era, retailers have become highly dependent on their IT infrastructures. They collect data from point-of-sale devices, customer loyalty cards, and other sources to make inventory, marketing campaigns, and pricing decisions. The retail industry needs to take proactive steps to maintain cybersecurity and manage data this can be done by having a fully functional cloud management system and an IT infrastructure capable of leveraging data to grow their business.

Here is how data can help retailers move forward in the post-covid era

Better understanding your customers

Much of a retailer’s most important data is stored in its IT infrastructure, but accessing that data requires the cloud. Now is the moment for merchants to make the switch to the cloud. Cloud management makes jobs and maintenance easier, increases operational uptime, and allows merchants to scale up and down in response to demand. It enables merchants to maximize the value of consumer data in order to develop customer-centric activities. Big data from cloud-managed networks may be mined for granular insights and utilized to improve in-store consumer interaction, generate value-added experiences, and, most critically, meet customer health and safety requirements.

Personalize customer experiences

Once a cloud-based infrastructure is in place, the key is feeding that data into machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) technologies to develop personalized experiences and forecast future spending trends. Retailers may learn more about their consumers — their behaviors, preferences, and how they interact with the brand – utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) both during and after COVID-19. This information may help guarantee that merchants adhere to consumer health and safety procedures throughout their businesses, which is crucial during a pandemic.

Enhance customer retention

Predictive analytics may assist businesses in using customer segmentation to categorize customers based on their interests and preferences once they have targeted their client base at the individual level. Using data analytics solutions, retailers may segment audiences based on demographics, consumer lifestyle, and behavioral aspects. This allows businesses to clearly understand their customer segmentation and how they should advertise items to each category, which is helpful for retailers planning their marketing strategy for a post-COVID retail scenario.


Retailers are faced with a new set of problems post-Covid. The data breaches and the subsequent loss of customer trust have made it difficult for retailers to make decisions in their own best interests.

The data is the most significant factor in decision-making for retailers post-Covid. It not only provides insights into consumer behavior but also helps identify where the company needs to improve as well as what they need to do to stay competitive.

The future of retail lies in cybersecurity and cloud management, which is why it is pertinent for retailers to invest in these areas and leverage the power of data.

Top Cyber Security Trends for 2022


Cyber security is a hot topic in the world today. With the rapid development of technology, cyber security has become more critical, and the cyber Security Market is expected to reach $345.4 billion by 2026. At the same time, it is also one of the most pressing issues of our time. With new technologies and new devices, the stakes are getting higher.

Therefore, cyber security is becoming increasingly important to businesses since a cyber attack can lead to the loss of sensitive data, financial fraud, or disruption of critical systems. On the other hand, social engineering attacks, where psychological manipulation tricks users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information, are also on the rise.

However, as we move forward, there will be a shift in how companies are protected against cyber attacks. As artificial intelligence and machine learning tools become more common, companies are able to detect and prevent cyber-attacks with greater ease than they would otherwise be able to.

Here are the top 5 cyber security trends of the year:

  1. Zero Trust Security Models

Using the zero trust model, access to the network is restricted only to those who need it.  Here default access is eliminated, and access is granted to authorized users based on patterns based on identity, time, and device.    Security standards, such as access control procedures and user identity verification, must now be passed to gain access.

  1. Cyber Security as a Service

Cyber Security as a Service (CSaaS) is a new trend in which businesses may outsource their cyber security activities to third-party companies. As businesses move their focus away from traditional IT services and toward cloud-based solutions, the need for managed security services will grow.

This would allow businesses to concentrate on their main business while outsourcing all cybersecurity activities to professionals who can better protect them from cyber threats.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to detect and prevent threats and detect anomalies and automate responses. The introduction of AI into every market segment has led to extraordinary changes in cybersecurity, due to a combination of AI and machine learning.

In areas such as automated security systems, natural language processing, face detection, and automatic threat detection, artificial intelligence has played a central role. It also opens up new possibilities for predicting threats and vulnerabilities in networks, systems, apps, and other systems, which may help detect the risk and hazards associated in advance.

  1. Cyber Security Training

According to Infosec, 97% of individuals worldwide have no idea how to spot a phishing email. As a result, human error plays a significant role in many data breaches, demonstrating the ineffectiveness of standard digital security awareness programs. Therefore, organizations are making further efforts to bolster their security as cyber-attacks become more active.

Companies are boosting their efforts in training programs to teach staff how to spot phishing emails and other cyber hazards and prevent them. In many companies, policies are being established to govern employees’ handling of sensitive corporate information.

  1. Cybersecurity mesh

The consolidation of security products has led to the integration of security architecture components. However, there is still a need to define uniform security policies, streamline workflows, and exchange data across consolidated solutions.

By implementing a cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA), all assets in data centers and the cloud can be protected by a standard, integrated security posture, and structure.


Cyber attacks will become more sophisticated and targeted. There will be more ransomware attacks, data breaches, and malware. Companies will need to invest in cyber security training for their employees and invest in new technologies to protect themselves from cyber threats.